# # @(#)standard.properties 1.35 98/08/27 # doclet.exception_encountered= {0} encountered \n\ \twhile attempting to create file: {1} doclet.perform_copy_exception_encountered= {0} encountered while \n\ performing copy. doclet.Contents=Contents doclet.Overview=Overview doclet.Window_Overview={0}: Overview doclet.Package=Package doclet.Window_Package={0}: Package {1} doclet.Window_ClassFile_label={0}: {1} doclet.Window_Packages_title={0} doclet.All_Packages=All Packages doclet.Tree=Tree doclet.Class_Hierarchy=Class Hierarchy doclet.Window_Class_Hierarchy={0}: Class Hierarchy doclet.Window_Package_Class_Hierarchy={0}: {1} Class Hierarchy doclet.Interface_Hierarchy=Interface Hierarchy doclet.Prev=PREV doclet.Next=NEXT doclet.Prev_Class=PREV CLASS doclet.Next_Class=NEXT CLASS doclet.Prev_Package=PREV PACKAGE doclet.Next_Package=NEXT PACKAGE doclet.Prev_Letter=PREV LETTER doclet.Next_Letter=NEXT LETTER doclet.Show_Lists=SHOW LISTS doclet.Hide_Lists=HIDE LISTS doclet.Summary=SUMMARY: doclet.Detail=DETAIL: doclet.navInner=INNER doclet.navField=FIELD doclet.navConstructor=CONSTR doclet.navMethod=METHOD doclet.Index=Index doclet.Window_Single_Index={0}: Index doclet.Window_Split_Index={0}: {1}-Index doclet.Help=Help doclet.Interface=Interface doclet.Class=Class doclet.interface=interface doclet.class=class doclet.error=error doclet.exception=exception doclet.extends=extends doclet.Package_private=(package private) doclet.implements=implements doclet.Since=Since: doclet.Version=Version: doclet.Author=Author: doclet.See_Also=See Also: doclet.See=See: doclet.File_not_found=File not found: {0} doclet.Package_Summary=Package Summary doclet.Interface_Summary=Interface Summary doclet.Exception_Summary=Exception Summary doclet.Error_Summary=Error Summary doclet.Class_Summary=Class Summary doclet.Inner_Class_Summary=Inner Class Summary doclet.Field_Summary=Field Summary doclet.Constructor_Summary=Constructor Summary doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary doclet.Option_conflict=Option {0} conflicts with {1} doclet.Option_reuse=Option reused: {0} doclet.MissingSerialTag=in class {0}, missing @serial tag for default serializable field: {1}. doclet.MissingSerialDataTag=in class {0}, missing @serialData tag in method {1}. doclet.Interfaces=Interfaces doclet.Exceptions=Exceptions doclet.Errors=Errors doclet.Classes=Classes doclet.Packages=Packages doclet.All_Classes=All Classes doclet.Members=Members doclet.None=None doclet.CLASSES=CLASSES doclet.MEMBERS=MEMBERS doclet.NONE=NONE doclet.Inner_Classes_Inherited_From_Class=Inner classes inherited from class {0} doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Class=Methods inherited from class {0} doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Interface=Methods inherited from interface {0} doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Class=Fields inherited from class {0} doclet.Serializable=Serializable doclet.Externalizable=Externalizable doclet.Class_0_implements_serializable=Class {0} implements Serializable doclet.Serialized_Form=Serialized Form doclet.Serialized_Form_methods=Serialization Methods doclet.Serialized_Form_fields=Serialized Fields doclet.Serialized_Form_class=Serialization Overview doclet.Serializable_no_customization=No readObject or writeObject method declared. doclet.Field_Detail=Field Detail doclet.Method_Detail=Method Detail doclet.Constructor_Detail=Constructor Detail doclet.Deprecated=Deprecated. doclet.Deprecated_class=This class is deprecated. doclet.navDeprecated=Deprecated doclet.Deprecated_List=Deprecated List doclet.Window_Deprecated_List={0}: Deprecated List doclet.Note_0_is_deprecated=Note: {0} is deprecated. doclet.Parameters=Parameters: doclet.Returns=Returns: doclet.SerialData=Serial Data: doclet.Throws=Throws: doclet.Overrides=Overrides: doclet.in_class={0} in class {1} doclet.Generating_0=Generating {0}... doclet.0_Fields_and_Methods="{0}" Fields and Methods doclet.Index_of_Fields_and_Methods=Index of Fields and Methods doclet.Static_variable_in=Static variable in {0} doclet.Variable_in=Variable in {0} doclet.Constructor_for=Constructor for {0} doclet.Static_method_in=Static method in {0} doclet.Method_in=Method in {0} doclet.throws=throws doclet.package=package doclet.destination_directory_not_found_0=destination directory not found: {0} doclet.MalformedURL=Malformed URL: {0} doclet.File_error=Error reading file: {0} doclet.URL_error=Error fetching URL: {0} doclet.Method_Summary=Method Summary doclet.No_Package_Comment_File=For Package {0} Package.Comment file not found doclet.No_Source_For_Class=Source information for class {0} not available. doclet.see.class_or_package_not_found=Class or Package not found, in @see tag: {0} doclet.see.malformed_tag=Malformed See Tag: {0} doclet.Inherited_API_Summary=Inherited API Summary doclet.Deprecated_API=Deprecated API doclet.Deprecated_Classes=Deprecated Classes doclet.Deprecated_Interfaces=Deprecated Interfaces doclet.Deprecated_Exceptions=Deprecated Exceptions doclet.Deprecated_Errors=Deprecated Errors doclet.Deprecated_Fields=Deprecated Fields doclet.Deprecated_Constructors=Deprecated Constructors doclet.Deprecated_Methods=Deprecated Methods doclet.Frame_Output=Frame Output doclet.Docs_generated_by_Javadoc=Documentation generated by Javadoc. doclet.Generated_Docs_Untitled=Generated Documentation (Untitled) doclet.Blank=Blank doclet.Other_Packages=Other Packages doclet.Package_Description=Package {0} Description doclet.Description=Description doclet.Specified_By=Specified by: doclet.in_interface={0} in interface {1} doclet.Subclasses=Direct Known Subclasses: doclet.Subinterfaces=All Known Subinterfaces: doclet.Implementing_Classes=All Known Implementing Classes: doclet.also=also doclet.Option=Option doclet.Or=Or doclet.Frames=Frames doclet.FRAMES=FRAMES doclet.NO_FRAMES=NO FRAMES doclet.Package_Hierarchies=Package Hierarchies: doclet.Hierarchy_For_Package=Hierarchy For Package {0} doclet.Source_Code=Source Code: doclet.Help=Help doclet.Hierarchy_For_All_Packages=Hierarchy For All Packages doclet.Cannot_handle_no_packages=Cannot handle no packages. doclet.Frame_Alert=Frame Alert doclet.Overview-Member-Frame=Overview Member Frame doclet.Frame_Warning_Message=This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client. doclet.Non_Frame_Version=Non-frame version. doclet.Frame_Version=Frame version doclet.Link_To=Link to doclet.Description_From_Interface=Description from interface: doclet.Description_From_Class=Description from class: doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1=Copying file {0} to directory {1}... doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1=Copying file {0} to file {1}... doclet.Standard_doclet_invoked=Standard doclet invoked... doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document=No public or protected classes found to document. doclet.Interfaces_Italic=Interfaces (italic) doclet.Help_title=API Help doclet.Window_Help_title={0}: API Help doclet.Help_line_1=How This API Document Is Organized doclet.Help_line_2=This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows. doclet.Help_line_3=The {0} page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each. This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages. doclet.Help_line_4=Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. This page can contain four categories: doclet.Help_line_5=Class/Interface doclet.Help_line_6=Each class, interface, inner class and inner interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a class/interface description, summary tables, and detailed member descriptions: doclet.Help_line_7=Class inheritance diagram doclet.Help_line_8=Direct Subclasses doclet.Help_line_9=All Known Subinterfaces doclet.Help_line_10=All Known Implementing Classes doclet.Help_line_11=Class/interface declaration doclet.Help_line_12=Class/interface description doclet.Help_line_13=Each summary entry contains the first sentence from the detailed description for that item. The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer. doclet.Help_line_14=Use doclet.Help_line_15=Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use page. This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its Use page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. You can access this page by first going to the package, class or interface, then clicking on the "Use" link in the navigation bar. doclet.Help_line_16=Tree (Class Hierarchy) doclet.Help_line_17_with_tree_link=There is a {0} page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a list of classes and a list of interfaces. The classes are organized by inheritance structure starting with java.lang.Object. The interfaces do not inherit from java.lang.Object. doclet.Help_line_18=When viewing the Overview page, clicking on "Tree" displays the hierarchy for all packages. doclet.Help_line_19=When viewing a particular package, class or interface page, clicking "Tree" displays the hierarchy for only that package. doclet.Help_line_20_with_deprecated_api_link=The {0} page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations. doclet.Help_line_21=Index doclet.Help_line_22=The {0} contains an alphabetic list of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. doclet.Help_line_23=Prev/Next doclet.Help_line_24=These links take you to the next or previous class, interface, package, or related page. doclet.Help_line_25=Frames/No Frames doclet.Help_line_26=These links show and hide the HTML frames. All pages are available with or without frames. doclet.Help_line_27=Each serializable or externalizable class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description. doclet.Help_line_28=This help file applies to API documentation generated using the standard doclet. doclet.The=The doclet.Style_line_1=Javadoc style sheet doclet.Style_line_2=Define colors, fonts and other style attributes here to override the defaults doclet.Style_line_3=Page background color doclet.Style_line_4=Table colors doclet.Style_line_5=Dark mauve doclet.Style_line_6=Light mauve doclet.Style_line_7=White doclet.Style_line_8=Font used in left-hand frame lists doclet.Style_line_9=Example of smaller, sans-serif font in frames doclet.Style_line_10=Navigation bar fonts and colors doclet.Style_line_11=Dark Blue doclet.ClassUse_Packages.that.use.0=Packages that use {0} doclet.ClassUse_Uses.of.0.in.1=Uses of {0} in {1} doclet.ClassUse_Classes.in.0.used.by.1=Classes in {0} used by {1} doclet.ClassUse_Subclass=Subclasses of {0} in {1} doclet.ClassUse_Subinterface=Subinterfaces of {0} in {1} doclet.ClassUse_ImplementingClass=Classes in {1} that implement {0} doclet.ClassUse_Field=Fields in {1} declared as {0} doclet.ClassUse_MethodReturn=Methods in {1} that return {0} doclet.ClassUse_MethodArgs=Methods in {1} with parameters of type {0} doclet.ClassUse_MethodThrows=Methods in {1} that throw {0} doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorArgs=Constructors in {1} with parameters of type {0} doclet.ClassUse_ConstructorThrows=Constructors in {1} that throw {0} doclet.ClassUse_No.usage.of.0=No usage of {0} doclet.Window_ClassUse_Header={0}: Uses of {1} {2} doclet.ClassUse_Title=Uses of {0}
{1} doclet.navClassUse=Use doclet.link_option_twice=Extern URL link option(link or linkoffline) used twice. doclet.Error_in_packagelist=Error in using -group option: {0} {1} doclet.Groupname_already_used=In -group option, groupname already used: {0} doclet.Same_package_name_used=Package name format used twice: {0} doclet.Packages_File_line_1=The front page has been renamed. doclet.Packages_File_line_2=Please see: doclet.usage=Provided by Standard doclet:\n\ -d Destination directory for output files\n\ -use Create class and package usage pages\n\ -version Include @version paragraphs\n\ -author Include @author paragraphs\n\ -splitindex Split index into one file per letter\n\ -windowtitle Browser window title for the documenation\n\ -doctitle Include title for the package index(first) page\n\ -header Include header text for each page\n\ -footer Include footer text for each page\n\ -bottom Include bottom text for each page\n\ -link Create links to javadoc output at \n\ -linkoffline Link to docs at using package list at \n\ -group :.. Group specified packages together in overview page\n\ -nodeprecated Do not include @deprecated information\n\ -nodeprecatedlist Do not generate deprecated list\n\ -notree Do not generate class hierarchy\n\ -noindex Do not generate index\n\ -nohelp Do not generate help link\n\ -nonavbar Do not generate navigation bar\n\ -helpfile Include file that help link links to\n\ -stylesheetfile File to change style of the generated documentation\n\ -docencoding Output encoding name doclet.xusage=Special options:\n\ -Xnodate Do not include generation date in output