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§1.15 Class SecurityManager

public abstract  class  java.lang.SecurityManager
    extends  java.lang.Object  (I-§1.12)
        // Fields
    protected boolean inCheck;	§1.15.1

        // Constructors
    protected SecurityManager();	§1.15.2

        // Methods
    public void  checkAccept(String  host, int  port);	§1.15.3
    public void checkAccess(Thread  g);	§1.15.4
    public void checkAccess(ThreadGroup  g);	§1.15.5
    public void checkConnect(String  host, int  port);	§1.15.6
    public void checkConnect(String  host, int  port,	§1.15.7
                                          Object  context);
    public void checkCreateClassLoader();	§1.15.8
    public void checkDelete(String  file);	§1.15.9
    public void checkExec(String  cmd);	§1.15.10
    public void checkExit(int  status);	§1.15.11
    public void checkLink(String  lib);	§1.15.12
    public void checkListen(int  port);	§1.15.13
    public void checkPackageAccess(String  pkg);	§1.15.14
    public void checkPackageDefinition(String  pkg);	§1.15.15
    public void checkPropertiesAccess();	§1.15.16
    public void checkPropertyAccess(String  key);	§1.15.17
    public void checkRead(FileDescriptor  fd);	§1.15.18
    public void checkRead(String  file);	§1.15.19
    public void checkRead(String  file, Object  context);	§1.15.20
    public void checkSetFactory();	§1.15.21
    public boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object  window);	§1.15.22
    public void checkWrite(FileDescriptor  fd);	§1.15.23
    public void checkWrite(String  file);	§1.15.24
    protected int classDepth(String  name);	§1.15.25
    protected int classLoaderDepth();	§1.15.26
    protected ClassLoader currentClassLoader();	§1.15.27
    protected Class[] getClassContext();	§1.15.28
    public boolean getInCheck();	§1.15.29
    public Object getSecurityContext();	§1.15.30
    protected boolean inClass(String  name);	§1.15.31
    protected boolean inClassLoader();	§1.15.32
The security manager is an abstract class that allows applications to implement a security policy. It allows an application to determine, before performing a possibly unsafe or sensitive operation, what the operation is and whether the operation is being performed by a class created via a class loader (I-§1.4) rather than installed locally. Classes loaded via a class loader (especially if they have been downloaded over a network) may be less trustworthy than classes from files installed locally. The application has the option of allowing or disallowing the operation.

The securityManager class contains a large number of methods whose names begin with the word check. These methods are called by various methods in the Java libraries before those methods perform certain potentially sensitive operations. The invocation of such a check method typically looks like this:

The security manager is thereby given an opportunity to prevent completion of the operation by throwing an exception. A security manager routine simply returns if the operation is permitted, but throws a SecurityException (I-§1.43) if the operation is not permitted. The only exception to this convention is checkTopLevelWindow (I-§1.15.22), which returns a boolean value.

The current security manager is set by the by the setSecurityManager method (I-§1.18.16) in class -System. The current security manager is obtained by the get-Security-Manager method (I-§1.18.11).

The default implementation of each of the checkXXX methods is to assume that the caller does not have permission to perform the requested operation.



protected boolean inCheck
This field is true if there is a security check in progress; false otherwise.



protected SecurityManager()
Constructs a new SecurityManager. An application is not allowed to create a new security manager if there is already a current security manager (I-§1.18.11)

SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If a security manager already exists.



public void checkAccept(String host, int port)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not permitted to accepting a socket connection from the specified host and port number.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by the accept method (I-§4.5.3) of class ServerSocket.

The checkAccept method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
host - the host name of the socket connection
port - the port number of the socket connection
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to accept the connection


public void checkAccess(Thread g)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to modify the thread argument.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by the stop (I-§1.19.37), suspend (I-§1.19.39), resume (I-§1.19.29), setPriority (I-§1.19.33), setName (I-§1.19.32) and setDaemon (I-§1.19.31) methods of class Thread.

The checkAccess method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
g - the thread to be checked
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to modify the thread


public void checkAccess(ThreadGroup g)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to modify the thread group argument.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) when a new child thread or child thread group is created, and by the setDaemon (I-§1.20.18), setMaxPriority (I-§1.20.19), stop (I-§1.20.20), suspend (I-§1.20.21), resume (I-§1.20.17), and destroy (I-§1.20.6) methods of class ThreadGroup.

The checkAccess method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
g - the Thread group to be checked
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to modify the thread group


public void checkConnect(String host, int port)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to open a socket connection to the specified host and port number.
A port number of of -1 indicates that the calling method is attempting to determine the IP address of the specified host name.
The checkConnect method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
host - the host name port to connect to
port - the protocol port to connect to
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to open a socket connection to the specified host and port.


public void
checkConnect(String host, int port, Object context)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the specified security context (I-§1.15.30) is not allowed to open a socket connection to the specified host and port number.

A port number of of -1 indicates that the calling method is attempting to determine the IP address of the specified host name.
The checkConnect method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
host - the host name port to connect to
port - the protocol port to connect to
context - a system-dependent security context
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the specified security context does not have permission to open a socket the specified host and port.


public void checkCreateClassLoader()
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to create a new class loader (I-§1.4.1).

The checkCreateClassLoader method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to create a new class loader.


public void checkDelete(String file)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thrad is not allowed to delete the specified file.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by the delete method (I-§2.7.10) of class File.

The checkDelete method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
file - the system dependent file name
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to delete the file.


public void checkExec(String cmd)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to create a subprocss.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by the exec methods (§1.14.1-§1.14.4) of class Runtime.

The checkExec method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
cmd - the specified system command
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to create a subprocess.


public void checkExit(int status)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to cause the Java Virtual Machine to halt with the specified access code.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by the exit method (I-§1.14.5) of class Runtime. A status of 0 indicates success; other values indicate various errors.

The checkExit method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
status - the exit status
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to halt the Java Virtual Machine with the specified status.


public void checkLink(String lib)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to dynamic link the library code specified by the string argument file. The argument is either a simple library name or a complete file name.
This method is invoked for the current security manager (I-§1.18.11) by methods load (I-§1.14.11) and loadLibrary (I-§1.14.12) of class Runtime.

The checkLink method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
lib - the name of the library
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to dynamically link the library.


public void checkListen(int port)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to wait for a connection request on the specified local port number.
The checkListen method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
port - the local port
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to listen on the specified port.


public void checkPackageAccess(String pkg)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is allowed to access the package specified by the argument.
This method is used by the loadClass method (I-§1.4.4) of class loaders.

The checkPackageAccess method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
pkg - the package name
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified package.


public void checkPackageDefinition(String pkg)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to define classes in the package specified by the argument.
This method is used by the loadClass method (I-§1.4.4) of some class loaders.

The checkPackageDefinition method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
pkg - the package name
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to define classes in the specified package.


public void checkPropertiesAccess()
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to access or modify the system properties.
This method is used by the getProperties (I-§1.18.8) and setProperties (I-§1.18.15) methods of class System.

The checkPropertiesAccess method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access or modify the system properties.


public void checkPropertyAccess(String key)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to access the system property with the specified key name.
This method is used by the getProperty (I-§1.18.9) method of class System.

The checkPropertiesAccess method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
key - a system property key.
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified system property.


public void checkRead(FileDescriptor fd)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to read from the specified file descriptor (I-§2.8).

The checkRead method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
fd - the system dependent file descriptor
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified file descriptor.


public void checkRead(String file)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to read the file specified by the string argument.
The checkRead method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
file - the system dependent file name
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified file.


public void checkRead(String file, Object context)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the specified security context is not allowed to read the file specified by the string argument. The context must be a security context returned by a previous call to getSecurityContext (I-§1.15.30).

The checkRead method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
file - the system dependent file name
context -
a system-dependent security context
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the specified security context does not have permission to read the specified file.


public void checkSetFactory()
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to set the socket factor used by ServerSocket (I-§4.5.7) or Socket (I-§4.6.11), or the stream handler factory used by URL (I-§4.8.16).

The checkSetFactory method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
The caller does not have permission to specify a socket factory or a stream handler factory.


public boolean checkTopLevelWindow(Object window)
This method should return false if the calling thread is not trusted to bring up the top-level window indicated by the window argument. In this case, the caller can still decide to show the window, but the window should include some sort of visual warning. If the method returns true, then the window can be shown without any special restrictions.
See class Window (II-§1.42) for more information on trusted and untrusted windows.

The checkSetFactory method for class SecurityManager always return false.
window - the new window that's being created.
true if the caller is trusted to put up top-level windows; false otherwise.


public void checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to write to the specified file descriptor (I-§2.8).

The checkWrite method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
fd - the system dependent file descriptor
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified file descriptor.


public void checkWrite(String file)
This method should throw a SecurityException if the calling thread is not allowed to write to the file specified by the string argument.
The checkWrite method for class SecurityManager always throws a SecurityException.
file - the system dependent file name
SecurityException (I-§1.43)
If the caller does not have permission to access the specified file.


protected int classDepth(String name)
Determines the stack depth of a given class.
name - the fully qualified name of the class to search for
the depth on the stack frame of the first occurrence of a method from a class with the specified name; -1 if such a frame cannot be found.


protected int classLoaderDepth()
Determines the stack stack of the most recently executing method from a class defined using a class loader.
the depth on the stack frame of the most recent occurrence of a method from a class defined using a class loader; returns -1 if there is no occurrence of a method from a class defined using a class loader


protected ClassLoader currentClassLoader()
Determines the most recent class loader executing on the stack.
the class loader of the most recent occurrence on the stack of a method from a class defined using a class loader; returns null if there is no occurrence on the stack of a method from a class defined using a class loader.


protected Class[] getClassContext()
Calculates the current execution stack, which is returned as an array of classes.
The length of the array is the number of methods on the execution stack. The element at index 0 is the class of the currently executing method. The element at index 1 is the class of that method's caller. And so forth.
the execution stack.


public boolean getInCheck()
the value of the inCheck (I-§1.15.1) field. This field should contain true if a security check is in progress; false otherwise.


public Object getSecurityContext()
Creates an object when encapsulates the current execution environment. The result of this method is used by the three-argument checkConnect method (I-§1.15.7) and by the two-argument checkRead method (I-§1.15.20).

These methods are needed because a trusted method may be called upon to read a file or open a socket on behalf of another method. The trusted method needs to determine if the other (possibly untrusted) method would be allowed to perform the operation.on its own.
an implementation-dependent object which encapsulates sufficient information about the current execution environment to perform some security checks later.


protected boolean inClass(String name)
name - the fully-qualified name of the class
true if a method from a class with the specified name is on the execution stack; false otherwise.


protected boolean inClassLoader()
true if a method from a class defined using a class loader is on the execution stack.

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