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§1.8 Class Choice
public class java.awt.Choice
extends java.awt.Component (II-§1.10)
// Constructors
public Choice(); §1.8.1
// Methods
public void addItem(String item); §1.8.2
public void addNotify(); §1.8.3
public int countItems(); §1.8.4
public String getItem(int index); §1.8.5
public int getSelectedIndex(); §1.8.6
public String getSelectedItem(); §1.8.7
protected String paramString(); §1.8.8
public void select(int pos); §1.8.9
public void select(String str); §1.8.10
The Choice class presents a pop-up menu of choices. The current choice is displayed as
the title of the menu.
For example, the code:
Choice ColorChooser = new Choice();
produces the following pop-up menu, after it has been added to a panel:
In the picture, "Green" is the current choice. Pushing the mouse button down on on causes a
menu to appear with the current choice highlighted.
After any choice is made,1 AWT sends an action event (II-§1.14.11) to the choice menu.
The event's target is the choice menu, and its object is the string label of the currently
selected item. An application should override the action method (II-§1.10.1) of the choice
menu or of one of its parent containers in order to cause some action to occur.
public Choice()
- Creates a new choice menu. The menu initially has no items in it.
- By default, the first item added to the choice menu becomes the selected
item, until a different selection is made by the user or by calling one of the
select methods (§1.8.9, §1.8.10).
public void addItem(String item)
- Adds an item to this choice menu.
- Parameters:
the item to be added
- Throws
- NullPointerException (I-§1.40)
- If the item's value is equal to null.
public void addNotify()
- This method calls the createChoice method (II-§1.41.7) of this object's toolkit (II-§1.10.20) in order to create a ChoicePeer (II-§3.5) for this button.
This peer allows the application to change the look of a choice mneu without changing its functionality.
- Most applications do not call this method directly.
- Overrides:
- addNotify in class Component (II-§1.10.2).
public int countItems()
- Returns:
- the number of menu items in this choice menu.
- See Also:
- getItem (II-§1.8.5).
public String getItem(int index)
- Parameters:
the index
- Returns:
- the string at the specified index in this choice menu
- See Also:
- countItems (II-§1.8.4).
public int getSelectedIndex()
- Returns:
- the index of the currently selected item in this choice menu.
- See Also:
- getSelectedItem (II-§1.8.7).
public String getSelectedItem()
- Returns:
- a string representation of the currently selected item in this choice
- See Also:
- getSelectedIndex (II-§1.8.6).
protected String paramString()
- Returns the parameter string representing the state of this choice menu.
This string is useful for debugging.
- Returns:
- the parameter string of this choice menu.
- Overrides:
- paramString in class Component (II-§1.10.51).
public void select(int pos)
- Sets the selected item in this choice menu to be the item at the specified
- Parameters:
the selected item position
- Throws
- IllegalArgumentException (I-§1.32)
- If the choice item position is invalid.
- See Also:
- getSelectedItem (II-§1.8.7)
getSelectedIndex (II-§1.8.6).
public void select(String str)
- Sets the selected item in this choice menu to be the choice whose name is
equal (I-§1.16.14) to the specified string. If more than one choice is equal
to the specified string, the one with the smallest index whose name
matches is selected.
- Parameters:
the string to select
- See Also:
- getSelectedItem (II-§1.8.7)
getSelectedIndex (II-§1.8.6).
In Java 1.0, the AWT does not send mouse or focus events to a choice menu. In
Java 1.1, the AWT sends the cheoice menu all mouse, keyboard, and focus events
that occur over it.
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