This guide describes the features provided by the Java 2DTM API and illustrates how you can use the Java 2D API classes to enhance your applications. For additional information about the Java 2D APIs, see:

This information in this guide is organized into seven chapters:

Overview --introduces the packages and key classes in the Java 2D API.
Rendering with Graphics2D--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt package and how to set up the Graphics2D rendering context.
Geometries--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt.geom package and how to define and manipulate 2D shapes and areas.
Fonts and Text Layout--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt.font package, how to specify and retrieve font information, and how to display and manipulate international text using the Java 2D text layout APIs dir ectly.
Imaging--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt.image, java.awt.image.codec, and java.awt.image.renderable packages and how to display and manipulate images and offscreen buffers.
Color--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt.color package and color management.
Printing--describes the Java 2D API classes in the java.awt.print package and the Java 2D API printing model.

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